24 carrollu.edu EXPLORATION Q: How long have you worked at Carroll? A: ALICIA: I have been at Carroll since June 2019 when I started with Barnes and Noble. I became an “official” Carroll employee in April 2023 when Carroll took over the Pioneer Shop. JULIE: 3 years on July 21st---started with Barnes and Noble and got re-hired last year. Q: What is one task that most people don’t know you do? A: ALICIA: I do all things textbooks and since there is not a physical bookstore on campus, it is a task that flies under the radar. I am always thinking ahead by a semester or academic year. I work with departments to collect textbook information from faculty and coordinate with our Virtual Bookstore partner to make sure the information is listed and available to students on the website by registration for the next semester. JULIE: Keep customers, students and staff laughing so they enjoy their time in the Pio Shop and come back. Q: It’s 5 p.m., and you are headed home for the day. What are you likely doing? A: ALICIA: Singing loudly and poorly in my car, probably stopping to go shopping before heading home to put on pajamas and hang out with my husband and fur-kids. JULIE: First, I feed the birds and the squirrels and then I sit on the back deck and enjoy the weather with my husband. Featuring Alicia N. Ellison Pioneer Shop Manager (right) and Julie Arvedson Pioneer Shop Sales Associate (left) CU@CARROLL