B u c k - B o o s t T r a n s f o r m e r s
Selection Charts
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You should have the following information before selecting a buck-boost transformer.
Line Voltage —
The voltage that you want to buck (decrease) or boost (increase). This can be found by measuring the supply
line voltage with a voltmeter.
Load Voltage —
The voltage at which your equipment is designed to operate. This is listed on the nameplate of the load
Load kVA or Load Amps —
You do not need to know both — one or the other is sufficient for selection purposes. This infor-
mation usually can be found on the nameplate of the equipment that you want to operate.
Frequency —
The supply line frequency must be the same as the frequency of the equipment to be operated —
either 50 or 60 cycles.
Phase —
The supply line should be the same as the equipment to be operated — either single or three phase.
Four Step Selection
1. A series of LINE VOLTAGE and LOAD VOLTAGE combinations are listed across the top of each selection chart. Select a
LINE VOLTAGE and LOAD VOLTAGE combination from ANY of the charts that comes closest to matching the LINE VOLTAGE
and LOAD VOLTAGE of your application.
2. Read down the column you have selected until you reach either the LOAD kVA or LOAD AMPS of the equipment you want
to operate. You probably will not find the exact value of LOAD kVA or LOAD AMPS so go to the next higher rating.
3. From this point, read across the column to the far left-hand side and you have found the catalog number of the exact buck-
boost transformer you need. Refer to the catalog number listing on page 133 and 135 for dimensions.
4. CONNECT the transformer according to the connection diagram specified at the bottom of the column where you selected
YOUR LINE VOLTAGE and LOAD VOLTAGE combination. Connection diagrams are found at the end of this section.
This same connection information is packed with each buck-boost transformer.