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hubbell-acmeelectric.comA i r C o n d i t i o n i n g , R e f r i g e r a t i o n a n d A p p l i a n c e T r a n s f o r m e r s
The transformers in this section are autotransformers designed to change a wide range of voltages to the standard motor
voltages for domestic appliances, air conditioners, and related equipment.
Correcting high or low supply voltage conditions to match the voltage requirements of appliances and equipment aids in safe,
efficient operation.
These Acme autotransformers change or correct off-standard voltage that may be the result of:
1. Line supply voltage not matching the appliance motor nameplate voltage, (e.g., supply voltage is 380Y/220V, three phase,
four wire. Appliance motor operates on 110 V, single phase. See schematic).
2. Low voltage due to inadequate wiring capacity in the electrical distribution system.
3. Low voltage caused by distribution of power over a long distance.
4. High or low voltages supplied by the utility company.
Standard voltages and frequencies (Hz) vary throughout many countries of the world. Since these autotransformers are
suitable for 50/60 Hz (cycle) service, they are applicable in export trade where it is necessary to change to a standard voltage
for appliance operation.
These transformers are capable of adjusting voltage only; they can’t change the frequency of a supply circuit. However, in
most instances, 60 Hz (cycle) equipment can be operated from a 50 Hz supply if the voltage is reduced approximately
8 -10%. For example, 115 V, 60 Hz equipment can usually be operated on 50 Hz at 105 V.
Some common uses for Acme Air Conditioning, Refrigeration and Appliance transformers include adjustment of off-standard
voltage to the nominal voltages required to operate:
a) Air conditioners, television receivers, all home appliances.
b) Hermetically sealed refrigeration motors.
c) Individual machine lighting, tool post grinders, fans, convenience outlets for portable lights, power tools.
d) Magnetic contactors, relays, AC motors and similar devices requiring large starting (inrush) currents.
380Y/220V, 3Ø