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hubbell-acmeelectric.comA i r C o n d i t i o n i n g , R e f r i g e r a t i o n a n d A p p l i a n c e T r a n s f o r m e r s
Acme appliance transformers are autotransformers. The input (primary) winding is in electrical series connection with the output
(secondary) winding; the input and output are not electrically isolated.
The autotransformer principle is the most economical for appliance applications, since only the difference between input
voltage and output voltage is transformed. This results in smaller size, reduced weight and lower cost.
All units are constructed of core lamination processed from annealed electrical grade silicon steel. This improves transformer
efficiency by keeping heat losses at a minimum.
Coils are precision machine wound and hand finished. The core and coil combination is impregnated with electrical grade
varnish, then heat cured. This provides cool operation and protects the transformer from moisture and contamination. The
result is long transformer life.
The transformers in this section will not cause harmonic distortion to voltage or current wave shape.
All transformers are equipped with a SAFETY grounding feature on both the input and output side.
Connection for ground may be made through lead wires or through plug and receptacle combinations where installed. All
units are manufactured and tested in accordance with National Electrical Manufacturers Association standards.
Some units are equipped with primary voltage taps which correct for voltage conditions constantly above or below the nominal
rating of the supply.
1. Determine the value of incoming line supply voltage and frequency (50 or 60 Hz).
2. Find the appliance or load equipment voltage rating and amperes from the nameplate or instruction sheet. Multiply
the two to obtain VA requirement of the load. If the power requirements are listed only in watts, consider this the same as VA.
(Exception: electric discharge lighting such as mercury vapor, fluorescent, etc. should always be sized by volts x amps (VA).
If only wattage ratings are known, double this requirement to obtain VA ratings of transformers needed).
3. Add all VA requirements of equipment to obtain total load. (All components must be of same voltage rating).
4. Add 10% for high starting current and overloading to obtain VA size of transformers.
5. Select transformer from charts on following pages using combination of supply voltage (primary), voltage rating of
equipment (secondary), load VA rating, and type of connections desired.
6’ (1.8 M) Primary Cord