toll free 800.334.5214 ACME ELECTRIC |
hubbell-acmeelectric.comC u s t o m S o l u t i o n s
Acme Electric manufactures a full line of dry-type low and medium, voltage distribution magnetics using both copper and aluminum
conductors. Our product offering covers the full spectrum of applications, ranging from commercial general power distribution and
high harmonic conditions to specific industrial motor drive/factory automations systems, to low voltage landscape lighting applica-
tions. All of our products are designed to meet or exceed the standards established by UL, CSA, CE, NEMA, ANSI, and IEEE.
Our low voltage distribution products (600 volts and below) cover a wide array applications between from 50VA through 1000KVA.
Our medium voltage transformers (2.5kV to 15kV) are sized between 15 kVA and 2000 kVA.
In addition to this extensive product line, our experienced design engineers are able to develop custom designs and prototypes to
meet all customer specific requirements, ranging from special kVA, voltage combinations and performance characteristics to special
mounting configurations/footprints, enclosures, and terminations.